Almost Home Rescue Society

10 Best Supplements For Aging Dachshunds (2024 Update)

As a dachshund owner, you want to ensure that your pup is healthy and happy for as long as possible. When your dachshund starts to age, it can be difficult to know which supplements are best for them. To help, here are five key points to consider when looking for the best supplements for aging … Read more

Almost Home Rescue Society

10 Best Takedowns By Rottweiler (2024 Update)

When looking for the best takedowns by a Rottweiler, there are a few key points to consider. First and foremost, you should look for a Rottweiler that is properly trained and socialized. A well-trained and socialized Rottweiler will be able to execute takedowns with precision and control, minimizing the risk of injury to both the … Read more